La suggestiva location dell' Osteria del Treno di Milano ha ieri ospitato il press day del brand Desigual, portando un trionfo di colori, fantasie e grafiche.
Un singolare viaggio nella moda , in cui l' amore è il tema chiave di ogni linea, accogliendo le diversità e abbandonando i pregiudizi.
"La Vida es Chula" - life is cool - uno slogan universale che dà vita a tre concetti: Sex, Fun e Love.
Il night sofisticato, le stampe più rappresentative del brand ed il mondo del folk vengono declinati nelle linee per l'
A/I 2013/14 , offrendo grandi spunti ispirativi e tanto divertimento.
We love Desigual , do you ?! <3
Desigual Press Day took place yesterday in a great location such as the Osteria del Treno in Milan.
A unique journey through fashion, led by love , accepting all kinds of people, with different styles and different ways of thinking.
"La Vida es Chula" - Life is cool- is a truly universal message , expressed through three concepts: Sex, Fun and Love.
Glamour dresses for sophisticated nights, most representative graphics and folk style are the pillars of the 2013/14 F/W collection, giving inspirational ideas and lots of fun.
We definitely love Desigual, do you?!
Glamour dresses for sophisticated nights, most representative graphics and folk style are the pillars of the 2013/14 F/W collection, giving inspirational ideas and lots of fun.
We definitely love Desigual, do you?!
With Love ,
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